Current Sponsors

As busy bees the members of Women Who Lead have a profound impact on our community. Our projects are made possible through the generosity of our sponsors, donors, and the commitment of each member. Currently, we are focusing on partnerships with local schools, scholarships for young women, addressing food insecurity, supporting elder care facilities, mental health initiatives, and youth organizations. With your support, we can continue making a difference and raise awareness of the community’s needs.

Bee Terrific ($20,000+)

Royal Bee ($7,500 – $9,999)

 Bumble Bee ($5,000 – $7,499)

 Mason Bee ($2,500 – $4,999)

 Carpenter Bee ($1,500 – $2,499)

 Honey Bee ($1,000 – $1,499)

 Worker Bee ($750 – $999)

Pollinator Bee ($500 – $749)

Sweet Bee ($250 – $499)